Invent your chip with us

The best and most interesting projects will receive our FPGA development kit and a tapeout

In the first stage of this action, designers must access our ChipInventor platform and create their projects, validating them with functional simulations. Next, they must register their project, describing its application within their company's field of activity.

Besides the FPGA development kit consisting of our devboard and a programmer, the best projects will also be granted with full access to the features of our platform to continue the designs, preparing and validating them for manufacturing.

Selected projects will win a tapeout and receive their semiconductor devices.

  • Platform access release: 05/17/2024
  • Project submission period: from 05/20/2024 to 06/20/2024
  • Announcement of the best projects: 06/27/2024
  • Last date to conclude semiconductor database: 08/16/2024
  • Publication of tapeout projects: 08/23/2024

Designers will have access to tutorials and support for operations within the platform.

Step #1

- Design your Project

Free access to our block diagram editor and simulators

Start the design of your digital project accessing the ChipInventor platform. Create testbenchs to simulate and verify your project.

Click on the image to access the Chip Inventor and create your digital design.

Watch our tutorials to use all the features of ChipInventor platform, while developing your project for this Digital Action.

Join Chip Inventor Discord area for detailed support.

Step #2

- Submit your Project

Use the form below to submit your project and participate of the Digital Action

We thank everyone who tried our tool and submitted their projects. We receive very interesting projects. We are analyzing everyone and will soon contact those selected for next step.

Continue testing our tool and contact us if you need more information to use the advanced features.

Step #3

- Prepare your Design for Tapeout

Synthetize, optmize and generate your backend database

Details about this step will be added sooner!

Contact Us

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Developed by:

Centro de Pesquisas Avançadas Wernher von Braun
